Friday, May 29, 2009

Funny little children

I've posted 2 blogs previously about the funny things my kids have said. Here is a link to them. I've just updated the Idioms one. (Updates at the bottome of that blog.)

From now on, I'll post an update blog like this with links...or just make a new blog. lol. We'll see. I will be posting a couple other new blogs. Topics will include, our first picnic of the year, my husband the pilot, and our newest addition...(not the baby, yet...but a 4 legged kind).

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter...what's it really about?

What is Easter about? God sent Jesus Christ, His son, to live among us, and when it came time, He died for us. Jesus knew He would die for mankind. Because He was crucified on the cross, He paid for all sins, not just some, but ALL. Does that mean we can all choose to do wrong and go to heaven? No...not like that. If we do wrong and are truly sorry for what we did, we can ask Jesus into our life, Jesus’ blood pays for our sins, God will forgive us.

Jesus says in John 14:6, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Acts 15:11 says, "We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are." Romans 5:1 &2 says, "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God." Amen! I am thankful for my savior!

If you don’t know Jesus as your personal savior, or know of Him, but don’t KNOW Him, and love Him, I would like to pray for you. Please send me a message especially if you read the prayer below and have questions, OR sincerely say this prayer: "Lord, I believe that you sent Jesus, the Son of God, to die for my sins and has risen from the dead, please forgive me for what I’ve done. I want to live my life for you, not for me anymore. I do not deserve to go to heaven because I was born a sinner. Take me to heaven when I die. Thank you God for your grace and mercy. Guide me Holy Spirit, to make decisions according to your will for my life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen." If you prayed that prayer, and believe in your heart, that Jesus is your savior, let me be the first to welcome you to the Kindom of God! In the the Book of John, chapter 14, verse 6, Jesus says, "I am the way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father exept through me." Send me a message if you’ve just excepted Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life, and your loving savior! I’d love to hear from you.

I encourage you, especially if you have never seen it, to watch "The Passion of The Christ". He died for you, the very least you could do is watch the movie and see what He endured so that you can go to heaven, if you choose to accept that gift. Church won't save us, being a good person won't save us, doing a lot of good things won't save us, giving a lot of money won't save us, even just reading the Bible a lot won't save us. We need a relationship with Jesus Christ, who forgives our sins, and we need to repent, to turn away from our sins and turn to Christ for true salvation.

For more information about Easter, please visit this site."> Click here to find out more about Easter.

In memory of my Lord and Savior’s Crucifiction and Resurrection, God bless each of you,

It's Friday, but Sunday's comin'

Please watch this! As a Christian, this is a very special day in history. Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins! I have eternal salvation in heaven because you died for me.

If it doesn’t show up click here.

It’s Friday. Jesus is arrested in the garden where He was praying. But Sunday’s coming.
It’s Friday. The disciples are hiding and Peter’s denying that he knows the Lord. But Sunday’s coming.
It’s Friday. Jesus is standing before the high priest of Israel, silent as a lamb before the slaughter. But Sunday’s coming.
It’s Friday. Jesus is beaten, mocked, and spit upon. But Sunday’s coming.
It’s Friday. Those Roman soldiers are flogging our Lord with a leather scourge that has bits of bones and glass and metal, tearing at his flesh. But Sunday’s coming.
It’s Friday. The Son of man stands firm as they press the crown of thorns down into his brow. But Sunday’s coming.
It’s Friday. See Him walking to Calvary, the blood dripping from His body. See the cross crashing down on His back as He stumbles beneath the load. It’s Friday; but Sunday’s a coming.
It’s Friday. See those Roman soldiers driving the nails into the feet and hands of my Lord. Hear my Jesus cry, "Father, forgive them." It’s Friday; but Sunday’s coming.
It’s Friday. Jesus is hanging on the cross, bloody and dying. But Sunday’s coming.
It’s Friday. The sky grows dark, the earth begins to tremble, and He who knew no sin became sin for us. Holy God who will not abide with sin pours out His wrath on that perfect sacrificial lamb who cries out, "My God, My God. Why hast thou forsaken me?" What a horrible cry. But Sunday’s coming.
It’s Friday. And at the moment of Jesus’ death, the veil of the Temple that separates sinful man from Holy God was torn from the top to the bottom because Sunday’s coming.
It’s Friday. Jesus is hanging on the cross, heaven is weeping and hell is partying. But that’s because it’s Friday, and they don’t know it, but Sunday’s a coming.
And on that horrible day 2000 years ago, Jesus the Christ, the Lord of glory, the only begotten Son of God, the only perfect man died on the cross of Calvary. Satan thought that he had won the victory. Surely he had destroyed the Son of God. Finally he had disproved the prophecy God had uttered in the Garden and the one who was to crush his head had been destroyed. But that was Friday.
Now it’s Sunday. And just about dawn on that first day of the week, there was a great earthquake. But that wasn’t the only thing that was shaking because now it’s Sunday. And the angel of the Lord is coming down out of heaven and rolling the stone away from the door of the tomb. Yes, it’s Sunday, and the angel of the Lord is sitting on that stone and the guards posted at the tomb to keep the body from disappearing were shaking in their boots because it’s Sunday, and the lamb that was silent before the slaughter is now the resurrected lion from the tribe of Judah, for He is not here, the angel says. He is risen indeed.
It’s Sunday, and the crucified/resurrected Christ has defeated death, hell, sin and the grave. It’s Sunday. And now everything has changed. It’s the age of grace, God’s grace poured out on all who would look to that crucified lamb of Calvary. Grace freely given to all who would believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary was buried and rose again. All because it’s Sunday.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Just to put it out there... here's an update on what's going on in the real estate world as far as I'm concerned with it.

The house that's on 5 acres, on the creek and near an airstrip, is still at $400k. What's interesting about that house is that the 2009 tax assessments came in. Keep in mind over a month ago, we informally offered them $325k and the man quickly turned us down. I'm wondering if he ever even mentioned it to his wife. Anyway, on the 2008 assessment, the 1920sf shop was not listed, meaning the value was not included in the $341,400 assessment for last year. This years has it on their valued at about $31k. Here's the kicker: the total assessed value for that home is now $324,500! Ha! How odd is that that it came out nearly a month after we offered them $500 more than that?!?

Alright, so then there's the house, I think I've written about...I will have to double check. I know I've told my sister about, but can't remember if I blogged it. Anyway, another house that is right down the road, viewable from my inlaws' property. That house is on 40 acres (only about 10 or so are actually usable...the rest goes into the lake). How can you sell land under a lake? But then you can't own water?? Anyway, last summer they were listing at $450k, then came down to $400k (at the same time the other house was $400k). In a heartbeat, I would prefer the one on the creek over this one. But then they told us they dropped their price. They really wanted to get rid of it. They lowered it to $395k! LOL! I thought it was a joke. So...a couple months ago I looked at it again online and found they lowered theirs again to $350k. I figured, that's a pretty decent price...though I'm holdin' out for the other one. About 2 weeks ago, I looked it up again to get the address so I could look at the property line and found out that they lowered it again!! It is now listed for $314,500! I was shocked. I looked up the assessed value and found out it's assessed at about $310k. Not bad, not bad. If we were to move into that house, I would totally want some major remodeling done. To include taking out a drive through area, that goes under a roof that is two stories high, I would make it more living space, I'd want a bigger master suite...I don't think it has a walk in closet. It has 4 bedrooms, but one is a micro room. The garage is large enough, I think we could encroach on some of it to make better us of the space on the first floor. So anyway...we'll see what the summer brings.

On our homefront, we just had our first evaluation for the Alaska Home Energy Rebate done. We should be getting our complete evaluation results next week some time. They did tell us that they will put in that our windows need replacing, which is awesome because for the last 2 or 3 years we've talked about putting in vinyl windows and just didn't get to it. So that's awesome. I'm not sure if they're going to put that we need a new front door or not, but that would be cool too. Two years ago we replaced our porch door with something much more air tight, so that is updated. They also said, since our downstairs ( the older part of the house is only 2x4 construction, they would request that we add 2" of insulation to bring it to code/standard, and would match the thickness of the upstairs walls. So...we're going to do the entire house, and have vinyl siding added...something else we've talked about for 2 years or so and just didn't get to. We have these things for sure that we'll be updating, which will not only increase the efficiency of our house, but update the look of it too with new windows and siding. I'm excited!

The really cool thing about this program is that they not only reimburse you for the materials expense, but they will also reimburse for the labor of a licensed & bonded company. How awesome is that? It would probably take us a long time to get all that stuff done, but hiring someone will go much, much quicker. Another bonus for the state reimbursing labor costs is that they allow you 18 months from the first evaluation to get the updates taken care of, to increase the point rating on the house. After that, they redo the evaluation and see how much you improved.

So that's that. I'm also excited that we're going to start work on our upstairs bathrooms soon. We are going to be combining 2 bathrooms into a master bathroom, and making Sarah's room only have 2 doors instead of a third into the 2nd bathroom upstairs.

Our home refinancing went through so we were able to pay off my larger sum, student loan since the house apr was .7 % lower than my loan rate was.

Anywho...blessings to you all, thank you for reading my posts. I have my first prenatal appointment on March 26th, so I'm sure I'll blog again after that. Oh! The sun is shining beautifully almost has that springy feeling to's awesome! It was still a little light around 8 last night, which is totally weird. I love it though. It's exciting to know that spring is coming. Praise God! He is so good!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

In my daughter's eyes

As I was tucking Sarah in for the second or third time last night and had an overwhelming feeling when I looked into her eyes. I wanted to know who she would become as a woman, as a mother, in Christ, all the things she would accomplish and the lives she would touch. I kept looking into her eyes just trying to envision the beautiful person she is and will become. She nuzzled my arm as she often does, and just loved on me. And as I looked in her unknowing eyes, I began to wonder if we will ever make it that far. Will we ever see the days that far ahead? I believe we are living in the "last days" (not necessarily days, but perhaps years) before the return of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

When I first became a Christian, Christ's second coming seemed far off, but prophecies are being fulfilled as the days progress on. One of the most recent things I heard about was the Jews returning to Israel, as well as someone saying start the ovens reference to another holocaust. The Bible says that Jews will return home before the Messiah returns. As indicated in Isaiah 43:5-6, they will return in such an order. News indicates that they have begun returning from the East, the West, the North, and now from the South.

Isaiah 43:5-6 "Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. I will say to the north, 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.' Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth-"

Other prophecies include the One world government, the big 10, united currency, the microchip along with the mark of the beast. It's all quite alarming, even though the rapture of followers of Jesus Christ will be the end of all struggles and the beginning of eternity in heaven. Our carnal minds cannot wrap around leaving our lives, our spouse, our children, our family and friends as being a good thing, but it absolutely is for us, for those that will go to heaven. My heart breaks to imagine that some of my closest friends will not go with me. Maybe people believe, well, I'm a good person, so I'll go to heaven. That's not how it is though. Jesus says, ""I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." - John 14:6.

The Bible also says that many will be disillusioned. Matthew 24:24 says "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible." I don't believe that 12.21.12 is the last day. It says in Matthew 24:36, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." It goes on to say that just as in Noah's day, people will not know what will happen until the flood came and took them all away because they were caught up in so much sin and selfishness.

I urge you, if you don't know Jesus as your savior, please please please, ask me how you can, or at the very least, google it. If you think you will go to heaven, pray for God to show you the truth, that Jesus is the only way. Beware of false doctrine that claims they are Bible believing, even some evangelical churches are leading their followers in the wrong direction. As long as the Bible and God and Jesus are your sources, you can't go wrong. "If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing." -1 Timothy 6:3 & 4

So all of these thoughts are running through my mind, that one day, sooner than later, perhaps, we will be called up to be with our Lord. Time is short! I wept quickly wiping the tears from my cheeks as quickly as they came out so Sarah wouldn't think something was wrong. Tears were flowing as fast as I could wipe them. Was it just pregnancy emotion or compassion for the unsaved, or out of mourning for potentially a future I may not see. That's not a bad thing because we cannot even imagine how beautiful and wonderful heaven is and will be when we get there. It's so difficult to wrap our brain around that that is the better option than staying here on earth where things will literally a handbasket.

Is it selfish to want more time? Jesus may come back in 2 years, 20 years, or 60 years, we have to be prepared for any of those timeframes. I would love to be able to see all of my children grow up into beautiful people inside and out, and love the Lord as I do. Only God knows if that will happen. I am thankful that I know my future whenever my flesh expires. I pray that you know yours and that it is the same place, heaven. If you're not sure, or you're sure it's not, please let me know. I am your friend, I love you as God loves me. The choice is yours, salvation is for everyone. Free forgiveness is for every one! We don't have to work for it, earn it, pay for it or fit a creed or be without sin to be good enough.

I don't know if I captured the emotion I was feeling last night, but it was overwhelming. I hope you see this is from my heart, it's not to condemn or judge you or anyone for that matter. Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." There is no condemnation in Christ. As a Christian, I am convicted by my sins, and that conviction urges me to repent, turn toward Christ and make better choices. (Romans 8:1 & 2 "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.") Praise God!

May God richly bless you and your family in abundance!
In Christ,

P.S. If you want to see more about Bible prophecy fulfilled and what's coming, you can go to and view some of the videos. Pay attention to the scripture, not the presenter. By the way, this isn't what inspired this blog, it's been building for a while now.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The results are in! it is! We're expecting! It was neither planned nor prevented. My mom was here for a visit, and I suspected these results, so I tested on the 17th, the day before she was to leave. Nothing. You know how the instructions say not to reuse it...? Lol! Well, I only had one, and I wanted to see if it was just bogus and would still work. It appeared to work better if I left the cap off so it could dry out again...I know, gross! But those things are spendy! It still yielded no results...but I think it was because it was still very early.

Saturday, the 21st, I tested, and had a very light top and bottom of he vertical line as the picture below shows:

This is my actual result, the first time, above.
Mike wanted confirmation before we told more people, though I did tell my mom and my sister, because I know those lines don't appear unless it's a "prego" response. The instructions also said that if it's before, on or near the day of your supposed to be period, it could be lighter. It also took longer than I expected...nothing showed up after 3 minutes, so I looked about a half hour later, and that picture (above) is what I saw.
I decided I'd be patient and wait a Saturday, February 28th, I retested. The results are the picture at the top of this page. The vertical line showed up as soon as the urine showed up just as fast as the horizontal line. So, no doubts about it, we're expecting!
I'm so excited! I am starting heavier this time than either time previous. I really need to be vigilant to not gain weight. With Cassie, I started at 180, ended at 230. With Sarah, I started at 200 and ended at 230. So it would be terrific if I ended at 230 again...since I am at 225. My wedding set does not come of...and when I work out, my hands get tight. If at some point my hands are cold, I will try to get it off so I'm not uncomfortable when my hands get hot, later in the pregnancy.
I'm thinking it will be a boy this time...of course it will be about 3 months before we'll find out. I have some names in mind already...I know Mike has had a boy name in mind for a while. He likes Sebastian. Sebastian means commands respect. I like 2 names for boys that I think are nice. During previous pregnancies, Mike mentioned that he would like part of his name in their somehow. With that in mind, I like Zachary (God remembers) Michael (who is like God) and Landon (from the long hill, or grassy plain) Michael. I'll have to go names of course, but for girls, I have a couple new favorites...K/Catherine, Moriah, and Bethany. I like Katherine because it's pretty, has nickname options, (Kat, Katy, Kathy, Rinny, Rina,), not sure if I like K or C better. It is Greek and means pure, innocent. I like Moriah because it's like Mariah, which I've liked, but didn't like the meaning "bitter". Moriah is Hebrew and means God teaches, seen by Yahweh; biblical name of the mount of the Jerusalem's Temple of Solomon. I guess Riah could be a nickname... I like Bethany as well...I didn't used to because the only definition I found of it was "House of Poverty". Maybe it was removed because it's not appealing, I don't know, but it is place of figs, and town name near Jerusalem.
Anyway...that's the latest. You know I'll keep updates on appointments and whatnots.
Our home refinance has gone through, now we're waiting for my loan payoff to go through from the refiance!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ok, an update...

My last update was about the house that I really really like...5 acres on the creek and near a runway. I little more on that...a couple weeks ago I found out the owners were coming to town again and going to be listing their house for sale with an agent on a Tuesday at 11am. I was excited. My father-in-law told us they were "desperate" to sell the house this time. So I was thinking, "Sa-weet!"

I wanted to know what they were going to ask for it this time...(Reminder: it was $500k last winter, $440k last April, then $400k last summer, and it's been off the market since about September or so.) I called and spoke with the man and he said they were going to be listing it at $400k. Inner dialog: "Uh...wait...rewind...I thought they were desperate? Yeah, that's what Chet said they said...ok so maybe they're just starting high to give them some wiggle room." I asked if he would consider a lower offer before listing, since real estate fees would have been about $25k. He said he figured they would end up getting about $370k-$375k for the house... That to me meant if our offer was $370-$375k...then offer away, before they're listed.

So I told Mike and he agreed that that was a little bizaar for being desperate. Their 2009 tax amount and assessed amount are not in yet, so we couldn't see if it went up or not. Ours and others in our area lost about $6k in value. No biggie. Mike said, well, offer $325k and see what happens. I was stoked to even be in the position to make an offer. It was informal, because they weren't listed with the agent yet. The guy had given me the home phone number so I didn't have to call their cell long distance. I called the house at about 3pm on Monday or so and left a message saying I wanted to talk to them about the house. They didn't call back Monday night. So I figured, either they were busy, out with friends, or didn't want an offer since the next morning they were going to be listing.

Tuesday morning mom and the girls and I were heading out the door when I realized my phone was dead! I was spazzing, thinking I missed their call...and this was about 8 minutes before 11 (the time of their apt. with the agent). I quickly plugged my phone in the van and turned it on, only to find I didn't miss any calls or have any voicemails. Bummer dude! So we went shopping and while we were out, I got a call from the man. He said they listed it for $400k. I said, that Mike and I would like to give you an offer to think about, and offer for $325k. He quickly and with a bit of a scoffing tone said, "No, I'm not interested in that amount. Have a good afternoon." I said you too.

That was no where near the outcome I was hoping for. Though we did accomplish letting them know where we stand when they really do get desperate. They have our phone numbers as well as our offer starting point.

I looked up on the Alaska Real Estate website and found something that just made me giggle...this same thing happened last summer. The real estate agent's page has the same error. It has pictures from the house next door (the other one they own, that was for sale at the same time last year.) Though the virtual tour is correct, the initial pictures you see are all wrong! One the real estate agents page, even the first picture is wrong...on the AK Real Estate page, it has the right front view, but all other photos are wrong. Good for us...bad for them. We'll see what happens.

We are signing papers tomorrow to refinance our house from 5.125% to 4.8% APR...this refinance is taking us back to 15 years again, but we're paying off my student loan...which still had a HUGE chunk left to pay, and it was at 5.55%. That alone will free up $385/month, and our payment will be about the same...maybe within $100 less that what we were paying. God is is great! Praise God for providing for our family. We're getting a good hold of our finances, and desire to use cash to pay for everything...perhaps using the envelope least on computer program I have called Money Map Software.

Have a blessed day, check back soon...I have another blog to post, just don't know when I'll get to it.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

A post I should have posted sooner...

I posted this on myspace on December 1, 2008

I have to start by saying, "Lord forgive me for not sharing our blessing sooner." I know first hand, that marriages have long been under attack by our enemy because he doesn't want families to prosper and grow in Christ. Well...this a testimony of what God has done for us.
Today is a significant day for 2 reasons. The first reason is because it is Mike & my 7th Anniversary. The other reason, is because it is the 1 year Anniversary to a miracle in our marriage.
Last year, Mike surprised me with a kidless trip to Fairbanks for our 6th Anniversary. I was excited to visit Fairbanks because I hadn't been there since I left in January of 2000. I was going to make the best of the trip, even though the place our marriage was at, at that time, was a mess. The last thing I wanted to do, really, was to be alone with him for 2 days. We had been quite distant for a long time, and we really didn't have the relationship that God intended us to have. I'm only being transparent here so you will see the blessing we received. There had been many growing hurts between us in the past years of our marriage. I, personally, was slowly losing faith that God would save our marriage. After years of prayers about various issues, I didn't have much left in me.
Well, Mike had found himself on the on the right path with Christ, and felt led to bring me to Fairbanks. He figured what did he have to lose? One sentence he said to me changed everything. It melted my heart. God had us where He wanted us. He turned our marriage around instantly.
I tried for years to make things change and no matter how hard I tried, it didn't work. What it took me a few years to realize, was that it was all in God's time. It was up to God to make changes, not me. Whenever we, as people start making changes, we usually end up in a mess. But when it's in God's time, the pieces fit together just right.
This last year has been a long road, but we are growing together in Christ and have developed our relationship more than it ever has been. Had Mike not taken me to Fairbanks, things may not have played out the way they did. This past year has been full of blessings.
I thank you Lord for my husband and for his new found obedience to you God. Thank you for the blessings you have given us, and thank you for the hope and inspiration we may bring to others by your goodness.
Mike, thank you for loving me. Thank you for being the provider for our family. I respect you for all you do for me and the girls. Happy 7th Anniversary hun! I love you.
By the way, the visit to Fairbanks was enjoyable. We went to breakfast with Dahlia and her family, went driving around for old times' sake, walked around NPHS, drove by my old house, went to Chena Hot Springs, and the Turtle Club (which I'd never been to). The only bummer was that we didn't get to go to Food Factory! We did go back to Fairbanks in June for my 10-year reunion, and again, didn't get to Food Factory. We went back for the fair, and finally went to Food miss their food.

That house again...

Ok, so it's been a while since I've blogged on here. I have a couple blogs from myspace I need to put on here too.

But what's been on my mind lately...that house! The second "house" is not for sale anymore...the one on Angel Dr. that wasn't completed downstairs. The house I'm talking about is the one that I posted a blog August 29th, 2008. I can't seem to get beyond this house. That house was taken off the market at the end of the summer or around fall time. The family that owns it lives in Colorado, and they took it off the market for the winter. So what does that mean...well a couple things. Since they have a home in Arizona and their other home in Colorado, they're still wanting to sell this one, but will probably list it again in the spring. And that leads me to my next point...there is no real estate agent involved right now. What does that mean? It means there is potential to offer them a lower price, since they won't be paying an agent. (If the house had sold at $400k as they were asking, that would have been $24,000 going to an agent or agents.) So that brings it down to $376k.

Another thing that gets me thinking more about this house is that interest rates are really low right now! 15 year is 4.967% and 30-year is 5.5%. Granted the interest that would accummulate over those times is amazingly a vast difference, but I'm positive we would refinance if rates were low in a couple years for a 15 year loan if we started with a 30 year loan.

If we were to sell our house for let's say $310k (we owe about $110k on it), we'd have roughly $200k...ok so let's say they're willing to come down to $375...-$200k is $175k. So $175k is what our loan would be for. I did loan estimates for $200k...and the best payment would obviously be from the 30-year loan, but the interest paid over 30 years amounts to just over the original loan would be $209k just in interest, assuming no extra payments were made. The 15-year loan turned out to only have $84k in total interest paid over the life of the loan. The only thing with the 15 year loan is that the amount plus insurance and taxes are too high for our current single income.

I am looking at job opportunities. But one plan I thought would work nicely is to have a little cabin at the end of the property for a rental income. I have been entertaining the thought of doing some part time work. One job was as a janitor, which isn't glamourous...but I do it at home (minus the maintenance type work because my husband is blessed by having many mechanical and technical abilities).

Oh! Something else came up in conversation at my inlaw's Bible study on Sunday. There is a man there that lives out there and does a van pool (share a ride) deal because he works in Anchorage. So I asked where he worked in Anchorage...he just so happens to work right down the road from Mike's work. So it would work out great for commuting.

I know that I would be able to keep that house clean and orderly. Everything would have a place to go. I'd have a craft room, the kids would have a play room, Mike would have a SUPER shop! (1920 sf!), plus the 2 car garage. We would have ample space for all of our clothes and the laundry room is on the same floor as 2 of the bedrooms. The library/small office would be a great place to have our books all organized, including Mike's mechanical and technical manuals that are in boxes in the garage. Mike would also be able to have an airplane if we did the 30 year loan. We'd be able to fish from our back yard, how awesome is that! I want to have a productive garden and store food for us to have through the winter.

This family have known my father in law for oh...probably 20-25 years. They're Christians and attend his church when they're visiting. They seem to be great people, and fair. When I asked before if they would sell it themselves rather than through the agent they were using, they said they wouldn't do that because they had done so much marketing for them etc. But now, there is no agent representing them, at that time, there was. Part of me wonders if that family is thinking about us as buyers, wondering if we're still interested. I think they will be here in February.

I know some people say that Christians shouldn't live extravagantly or in luxury but instead, use what they have to help others. But does that mean we can't enjoy what God has given us. No.

Another point of interest...last week Mike sent our mortgage company an email requesting a refinance quote. We haven't heard back from them yet. I got the automatic response from submitting an email to them, but that's it. Perhaps we aren't supposed to refinance...but sell and buy?

Lord, you know my heart, you know my desires for my family. You know that I do not want this house to say that I have a big house, but to live comfortably, provide a lot of our own produce for us and others and share our home with others when we can, while enjoying the blessings you have given us and to fill desires for our family, like Mike getting a plane, and being able to drive it from a publicly maintained airstrip, and allowing me the room to be organized to enjoy more activities, crafts and learning opportunities for the kids. I know that it is in your hands. Lord I want what is best for our family, not only to be financially taken care of, but to be in a great community to grow up in and at a safe distance from major traffic. I pray for hearts and doors to be opened. We have come so far this year Lord, and the glory is all for you. Thank you God for what you have done in my husband and in me this past year. Thank you for always providing for us and blessing us with abundance. In Jesus' name, Amen.