Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Maybe the answer...? last night Mike and I talked about the house. It seems there is hope for it to be in our future. I am going to be a big part in that, and I'm willing to do what I can to find my place in it all.

I have 3 general options to go about making money:
  1. Work from home
  2. Work a job that is more than $2500/month
  3. Work for a child care provider for less.
Upon analysis of jobs and monies, after childcare, gas and taxes, it seems the most realistic and feasible at this point is to work for a child care provider for less money.

So the pros of working from home would be:
  1. I would probably have more flexibility with my hours and scheduling
  2. I would be caring for my kids
  3. I have the option of finding more work if needed
  4. I would choose to do something I love and enjoy (B&A school care, photography, graphic design)

Cons of working from home would be:

  1. Uncertain business...means uncertain paycheck
  2. Getting started, established in whatever field. Finding customers would be the challenge.

Pros for working for more than $2500/month:

  1. It's a definite paycheck.
  2. Hopefully it would be something I enjoy

Cons for working for more than $2500/month:

  1. My kids are with someone else.
  2. Probably not very flexible
  3. I could work some somewhere else, with my kids, and bring home the same amount (after the childcare, gas and taxes come out from the $2500)
  4. I've applied for 3 so far, and got 2 rejection letters.

Pros for working for a child care provider:

  1. Being with my kids, while making money
  2. Discount or free child care
  3. Building experience with other children (for possibly having the B&A later)
  4. Making contacts (for possibly having the B&A later)

So here's what I did. I figured that the best option, most realistic, most rewarding, most secure option right now, is to work for a child care provider. So, I looked on the state job web site and found one in Wasilla. So, if I get it, the first hour of me being there, will pay for gas for the day. That would stay about the same if we moved too. So I applied for this job just a little bit ago. We'll see if this is where God wants me. Oh, I also emailed my boss at GCI to see if he has time this week for a meeting.

Blessings to you!

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