Thursday, September 11, 2008

Truly blessed!

Well...Yesterday was my meeting with my boss, turning in my letter of resignation for my last day of work to be on October 3rd. So I gave them 3 weeks notice. One of those weeks I will not be working because Mike and I will be at a retreat in Soldotna.

Today I met with Farrah, my new boss! Yes! I got the job! I am so stoked. Not only do I have a job that I can take my kids with me, but I obeyed God (in leaving GCI, before I could move on and up), and He has already blessed me. I trusted that God would provide for us. I had faith that what He was telling me, to let go of GCI, that if I did that He would provide. And indeed He did. Before I am even unemployed, I have my next job. Praise God for His faithfulness.

So here's what's amazing: It's 30 miles from my house, but it's fine because for the time being, I will be driving against traffic, for the most part. So it took me about 35 minutes to get there. When I worked at GCI in Anchorage, it was 24 miles or so and took almost an hour every day to get there, and if there was an accident, closer to 2 hours. Here's the's 8 miles from my mother-in-law's house (in Big Lake), which yes, also means it's about 8 miles from "the house"!! I am so excited. God is aligning things, whether it is for us to be in that house or not, I don't know yet, but it seems that we are headed in that direction.

So what will I be doing?? I'm a preschool teacher!! I will be teaching 3-5 year olds basics like numbers, letters, colors, shapes, animals and more. I am so excited and blessed to have this opportunity. I have a couple weeks to build lesson plans and get my classroom set up. It doesn't offer any benefits at the time being, besides childcare being included. That's pretty darn tootin' cool if you ask me. That saves $1000/month right there. Which, for me working 4 days/week (Monday-Thursday), and from 7:30-2:30 (is the current expected time for me to work, but may change depending on how the scheduling for the kids works out), that right there, would add $7.81 to my wage. That is awesome! I am so excited for this and what God has ahead of us.

If I had a job that was 8 hour days (9 hours in daycare), 5 days a week, this is what it would be...$1000/20/9=$5.55. But based on the hours that I will be working, this is how it works out:
$1000 (daycare for 2 kiddos)/16(days/month working) /8 (hours/day in daycare)= $7.81/hour.
So I'm off to start my lesson plans!

God bless you. Be obedient.


Lindsay said...

Congrats on your new job! I think you will be a good teacher! I know you'll have fun with it! With childcare included... dang! Thats pretty sweet!

Dahlia said...

Woo hoo! Great work on being faithful! That sounds like such an awesome deal - it's great that you can bring the girls with you.
When I had Maddie, I didn't want to go back to work, I felt that I should stay home with her so I quit my job, which left us with no insurance. Jeremy then got a job at the hospital a few months later so we had benefits again. It sometimes takes a leap of faith, but in the end, you can see that Heavenly Father is providing so much more for being obedient!
Let me in on where you're getting your lesson plan ideas too :)

love you!